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Years 7-11

Sixth Form




University Academy Holbeach aims to provide a broad general education to produce well adjusted, balanced individuals who work hard and respect themselves and those around them.

We will encourage all pupils to make the best of their ability and strive for the highest possible standards. The Academy celebrates achievement and gives pupils a sense of pride in themselves and their community. We hope we can develop a love of both learning and pleasure in our pupils. 

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I have just obtained my BSc Honours in Adult Nursing. I just wanted to say a massive thank you for believing in me when I was 16 and giving me a place at sixth form. Thank you for supporting me and believing in me academically, when no one else believed I stood a chance.

This is me in front of the hearse that carried HRH Prince Phillip. I was in charge of the two vehicles that were tasked with being his coffin party on the day of his funeral. Just one of the proudest moments of my life so far. Since leaving school, I’ve been around the globe. I’ve travelled to Kenya, Cyprus, Germany, Arnhem, parts of France and all over the UK on exercises. I’ve been on Operational Tour in the Sinai Peninsula, I’ve played football and rugby for my Regiments, and recently I made the British Army Clay Shooting team after a couple of years competing at Corps level. I’ve gained qualifications in leadership, management, and Engineering, and have trained future soldiers to be engineers within my Corps, the REME. I’m 28, travelled the world, witnessed and experienced some incredible unique things, have letters behind my name, have an awesome career ahead of me and still have the world at my feet. This could not have been done without the support I got going through school.

By doing the BTEC science course I was able to develop my theoretical knowledge in all things science, as well as advancing my skills in a laboratory setting. This set me up perfectly for the course I went on to study at John Moores University based in Liverpool. I completed a bachelors degree with honours in Forensic Science and finished with a 2:1. This course covered everything from crime scenes to working in a lab studying evidence. I followed this with a masters (merit level) at the same university in Policing and Criminal Investigation, this focused more on the law and psychological side of criminals and why they commit crime. I am currently in the process of passing an application with Merseyside police to work as an officer with the plan to progress to either CID (Criminal Investigation Department) or become the leader of a crime scene team.

At UAH I studied History along with Government and Politics at A level. I did a year of IT/Cisco. I struggled with Cisco so swapped it for media in my second year. What I did after UAH: I attended the University Centre Peterborough which is part of Anglia Ruskin University where I read Criminology. I chose to stay local as I had several well paying jobs and could save some money living at home. I graduated in 2017 with a 2:1. My current role: I am currently a Police Officer working out of Peterborough on an emergency response team, this means that when someone calls 999 I attend. The role is extremely varied. As a response officer you attend everything from domestic disputes to murders and everything in between. The police allows you to specialise in many different areas; for example I am trained in Taser, method of entry and Response Driving. I am also part of the police support unit (PSU). As part of a PSU, officers deploy to riots and other large events such as football matches. I was always interested in a career in the emergency services and whilst I was at university I was persuaded to join the Special Constabulary. I did this for 18 months before becoming a PC. As a special you have all the same powers as a regular police officer - the only difference is you do it for free in your spare time. Being a Special gave me a real insight into policing and it’s where I decided it’s what I wanted to do. I would recommend the special constabulary to anyone who is thinking of joining the police.