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Our Staff


Senior Management Team

Name Role

Miss S Paige

Principal / MFL (QTS)

Miss D Allen

Senior Vice Principal / Law (QTS)

Mr. S Alam

Vice Principal / English (QTS)

Mrs N Lamb

Assistant Principal / Science (QTS)

Miss R Daw

Assistant Principal / Science (Head of Chemistry) / SENDCO / Designated Teacher

Miss S Graper

Senior Leader / Head of Performing Arts (QTS)

Mrs L Oddie

Senior Leader / Careers Leader / Science (QTS)

Mr G Sandison

Senior Leader / Religious Studies (QTS)

Mr T Williams

Senior Leader / Head of Mathematics (QTS)

Miss E Hall

PE / Learning Coordinator Y10 / Designated Safeguarding Lead (QTS)

Teaching Staff

Name Role

Miss B Andrews

Science (QTS)

Mrs D Bacon

Hairdressing (P/T) (QTLS) Assistant Learning Coordinator Year 10

Mrs S Baker

Science / Head of Biology (P/T) (QTS)

Mrs L Booth

PE / Assistant Learning Coordinator Y9 (QTS)

Mr J Brighten

Plumbing (Instructor)

MS R Brogden

Head of DT Food (QTS)

Ms S Brown

Maths (QTS)

Miss A Bugby

Performing Arts (QTS)

  Mr C Caldwell

  IT (QTS)

Mr M Carter

Art (QTS)

Mr G Chase

History (QTS)

 Mrs D Clarke

Science (Head of Department) (QTS)

Mr A Clay

Science (QTS)

Mr A Claydon

Religious Studies (QTS)

Mrs J Collo

Science (Instructor)

Mr P Colton


Mr D Cousins

Mathematics (QTS)

Miss S Courtney-James


Miss L Curtis

SENDCO (QTS) Designated Teacher

Mr J Dicker

Mathematics / Assistant Learning Coordinator Y8(QTS)

Mr B Dinari


Mrs P Dover

Learning Coordinator Y11 / Business (QTS)

Mr B Dinari


 Ms S Dowell

DT Textiles (P/T) (QTS)

Mrs D Eccott

Head of Health & Social Care (QTS)

Mrs F Eggleton

Childcare (QTS)

Mr M Elsom

Head of Construction (Instructor)

Mrs G Evans

Acting Head of Sixth Form / Head of Business Studies (QTS)

Mrs H Fletcher

Mathematics (QTS)

Mr J Ford

Geography ECT

Mrs J Geary

English (QTS)

Mr W Gibbs

Head of Electrical

Mr A Goodale

Motor Vehicle (2nd in department) (Instructor)

Mrs K Goodwin


Mr S Grant

Mathematics (QTS)

Mrs Z Granville

Art (QTS)

Mr P Greehy

Construction (QTS)

Mrs S Griffiths

Special Needs (P/T) (QTS)

Mr A Gunins

Mathematics (QTS)

Miss S Harmon

English (P/T) (QTS) Second in Department

Miss C Hill


  Mrs K Hitchcock

Food (Instructor)

Mrs M Holden

English (QTS) Assistant Learning Coordinator Y7

Mr A Horspool

Science (ECT)

Mrs L Howard

Hair and Beauty (QTLS)

Miss L Hunt

Head of Geography (QTS)

Miss K Irons

Sociology (ECT)

Mr M Jesson

PE / Learning Coordinator Y11 (QTS)

Mt T Kavains

Electrical (ECT)

Mr N Kirtland

PE / Student Support (QTS)

Miss H Langford

History (QTS)

Mrs S Lawton

Science (P/T) (QTS)

Miss S Loughlin

Geography /Learning Coordinator Y7 QTS

Mr S Love

Head of DT (QTS)

Mr J Lysak

Electrical Installations (Instructor)

Mrs D Manton

Childcare (P/T) (QTLS)

Mrs K Masters

English (FreshStart Coordinator) (QTS)

Ms S Matthews

Art (ECT)

Miss J Matthews-Bedford

Head of Hairdressing & Beauty (QTLS)

Miss L Mawer

Head of Pipework (QTLS)

Mr A Menegis

Mathematics (QTS)

Mrs C McGann

English (ECT)

Mrs R Milsome


Miss S Mirza

English (P/T) (QTS)

Mrs J Moody

Learning Coordinator Y9/ Science (QTS)

Mrs L Moody

History (QTS)

Mr C Moore

Motor Vehicle (Instructor)

Mr D Morris

Construction (Instructor)

Mrs S Nicol

English (QTS)

  Miss A Oyewusi

Health & Social Care (Instructor)

Mr C Palmer

Motor Vehicle (QTLS)

Mr M Parker


Mrs E Pearl

Science (KS3 Coordinator) (QTS)

Mr C Porter

Head of IT (QTS)

Mr C Raitt

Science (Head of Physics) (QTS)

Mrs S Rate

English (QTS) Fresh Start Manager

Miss B Reynolds

Geography (ECT)

Ms J Robb

English (QTS) Literacy Coordinator

Mrs H Robinson

English Acting Head of Department (QTS)

Mr M Robinson

Head of Motor Vehicle (Instructor)

Mrs I Rodriguez

Head of MFL (QTS)

Mrs N Rush

PE / Assistant Learning Coordinator Y11 (QTS)

Mr A Ruskin

Head of Art (QTS)

Mr J Sadd

Science (QTS)

Mr D Scofield

Music (2nd in Department) (QTS)

Mrs N Scott-Opukah

Head of Childcare (QTS)

Mrs C Self

Business Studies (QTS)

Mrs B Seymour

Head of English (QTS) ECT Induction Tutor

Mr R Sheppard

Electrical (QTLS)

Mrs A Short

PE / Assistant Learning Coordinator Y8 (QTS)

Mrs C Smith

Mathematics (2nd in Department) (QTS)

Mr C Spring


Mrs N Stead

Mathematics (QTS)

Mrs H Stewart

Geography / Assistant Learning Coordinator Y10 (QTS)

Mr J Svarc


Mr D Thew

Business (QTS)

Mr M Tighe

Geography (KS3 Coordinator) /Assistant Learning Coordinator Y10 (QTS)

Mr S Tucker

History (ECT)

Ms C Webb

English (P/T) (QTS)

Mrs E Whitfield

English (QTS)

Mr T White

Construction (QTLS)

Mr C Williams

Gas Assessor

Mr C Wilson

Head of PE (QTS)

Non-teaching Staff

Name Role
Miss S Earth PA to Principal
Mr S Lockwood Data Manager/ Duke of Edinburgh's Award Manager
Mrs T Coaten Office Systems Manager
Mrs M Clare Finance Manager
Mr B Mawford Chief Financial Officer
Miss A English Sixth Form Student Manager
Mrs K Baxter Finance Assistant
Mrs J Cornwell Pupil Reception
Miss Z Todd Pupil Reception
Mrs J Cornwell Administrator
Miss H Gray Administrator
Mr L Kettlewell Administration Apprentice
Mrs N Furnell Examination Officer & Cover Assistant
Mrs N Rechiglova School Counsellor
Mrs S Haynes Examination and Cover Officer
Mr M Vayro Educational Welfare Officer
Miss E Kettlewell Learning Resources Officer
Mrs F McBarron Learning Resources Officer
Mrs N Franklin SEN Administrator
Mrs S Andrews Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Briggs Teaching Assistant
Miss J Beeken Teaching Assistant
Mrs F Greenwood Literacy Teaching Assistant
Mrs K Lawrence Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Parsons Teaching Assistant
Miss L Popple Teaching Assistant (P/T)
Mrs D White Teaching Assistant
Miss E Cocksedge Teaching Assistant
Miss E Gurry Teaching Assistant
Miss C McCann Teaching Assistant
Miss L Austin Teaching Assistant
Miss M Davie Teaching Assistant
Mrs L Fravigar Deputy Safeguarding Lead/ Pupil and Family Support Assistant
Mr A Palmer IT Manager
Mr R Scarth Trust Lead Officer for IT
Mr F Jellyman Apprentice ICT Technician
Mrs T Chapman-Malkin Apprenticeship Manager
Mrs K Baillie Apprenticeship Assessor
Mrs M Oakes Employer Engagement Lead
Mrs L Harcourt Food Technician
Mrs E Hilton Senior Laboratory Technician
Mrs K Berry Laboratory Technician
Mrs J Collo Laboratory Technician
Mr S Ward Construction / DT Technician
Mr S Harris Construction Technician
Mr L Barwick Motor Vehicle Technician

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