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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Department

SENDCO / Assistant Principal: Miss R Daw ( )                 

SENDCO: Miss L Curtis( )

We are committed to ensuring that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities can fulfil not only their academic potential and achieve optimal education outcomes but also to achieve physically, creatively, emotionally and socially.  We are focussed on providing a nurturing and inclusive environment where provision is tailored to the needs and abilities of pupils, not matter how varied, to support them to achieve their goals.  UAH works in partnership with the local authority and professionals to provide a range of support to enable students to become confident individuals that appreciate and value their own strengths making a successful transition into adulthood. 

We work hard to communicate with pupils with SEND, their parents/carers and liaise with professionals to ensure they are involved in discussions and decisions about support and provision for the pupil.  In line with this we will be holding a number of talks on topics relating to SEND conditions and support – these will be promoted on the website.

Please read the SEND Policy 2023 for more details on our SEND provision at UAH.

All teaching staff use Quality First teaching with a Graduated Approach (which involves a four-part cycle of Assess, Plan, Do and Review) to ensure all students whatever their abilities are able to successfully access the full curriculum and are fully aware of the needs of the students in their lessons. In addition, our range of support for pupils with SEND and additional needs may include:

Key workers and TAs support, where deemed necessary and appropriate, in and outside of lessons for those students with EHCPs (Educational, Health and Care Plans); SEND and additional needs

Range of interventions and support including: 

  • 1:1 and small group Emotional/behavioural support 
  • 1:1 and small group Literacy / Numeracy support with specialist teacher 
  • Handwriting Support 
  • Student Support Classroom for reintegration support / small group teaching 
  • Lunchtime Clubs include: 
    • Mindfulness 
    • IDL Literacy support 
    • Numeracy support 
    • Games Club 
    • Handwriting / Touch Typing 
    • Book Club 
    • Revision 
    • Student Support Quiet Room – Break and Lunchtime 

Progress monitoring and interventions for pupils on the SEN register by relevant staff

Working with external agencies and professionals for emotional; behavioural or disability support ie specialist teachers; educational psychologists; therapists; sensory support services; SALT; Healthy Minds; CAMHS; paediatricians; WTT (Working Together Team) ( please refer to policy for full list)

Our Student Support area aims to provide a safe and nurturing area for students with SEND and additional needs to undertake 1:1 or small group learning; a safe space during lunch and break if and when required and to support with pupil reintegration back into education when needed.

Teaching Assistants

Our team of Teaching Assistants are trained to provide our pupils with appropriate differentiation and support in the classroom including:

  • Enlarging materials; modifying course content into more accessible formats
  • Simplifying or breaking tasks into manageable chunks
  • Supporting pupils emotionally to enable them manage the school day
  • Supporting learners with planning and organisation
  • Providing note taking / reading and scribing support
  • Providing access arrangements throughout formal exams
  • Providing behavioural and emotional support in and outside the classroom both 1:1 or in small groups
  • Running small group interventions and clubs to help pupils with SEND or additional needs build confidence; develop social skills and improve educational skills such as literacy (Fresh Start; IDL - Dyslexia); numeracy and handwriting

Access Arrangements for Examinations

We are committed to identifying those learners who may require access arrangements in their formal examinations and assessments such as a scribe or use of a word processor; reader, enlarged or modified papers or extra time. All exam concessions are requested following specialist testing or medical or teaching evidence has been obtained and following submission by the school the request has to meet the rigorous requirements to be approved by the Awarding Body (JCQ).

For further information about our SEND provision or if you have any enquiries regarding SEND for your child please email or telephone 01406 423042

Click on the following link to find out more about Lincolnshire’s SEND Local Offer

Website Links for more information:

Links to remote learning support for SEND pupils:

SENDCO / Assistant Principal: Miss R Daw; Designated Teacher for Looked After Children, Child Protection Officer, AMBDA qualified Special Needs Teacher and Assessor.

SENDCO: Miss L Curtis; Designated Teacher for Looked After Children, Child Protection Officer, Team Teach Trained


EHC Hub – Professional resources (



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