Christingle Service

We held our annual Christingle service for Year 7 at All Saints’ Church, Holbeach on Friday 2nd December. During the morning, tutor groups spent an hour learning about The Children’s Society and the history of the Christingle. The year group then walked to the church for the service. During this, some of our musical ensembles performed music, including Chamber Choir, Year 7 Mash Up Band and Year 7 Ukulele Ensemble. Pupils were invited to speak about for what they are grateful and family and friends were the most common themes. It was so special to be back in the magnificent building, as, for the last two years, we have held the Christingle at school and hearing all of the pupils sing the songs was really moving. The whole service was led by the pupils, with readings and prayers read by them. The most special moment is always when the lights are switched off and the Christingles are lit. The pupils sat in quiet contemplation, as Chamber Choir performed a song based on the theme of light. We were most grateful to Westfalia for donating the oranges and to Rev. Angus from the church, for welcoming us into the church and it was a lovely start to the Academy’s festive season.