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Statement of Intent

UAH – Where EVERY Child Matters

UAH endeavours to provide a safe and welcoming environment where all children are respected and valued. All pupils have the right to be protected from harm and all school systems and policies operate with the best interests of the child at heart. Safeguarding is at the forefront of everything we do and we are committed to recognising and acting on signs of abuse and neglect. UAH will follow the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Board’s procedures alongside Keeping Children Safe in Education and UAH’s Child Protection policy to ensure that children receive appropriate and effective support and protection.

Parents/carers should know that the law requires all school staff to pass on information which gives rise to a concern about a child’s welfare, including risk from neglect, physical, emotional or sexual abuse. UAH have fully trained Designated Safeguarding Leads along with a significant number of safeguarding trained staff to ensure the consistent application of our safeguarding policies and procedures. In addition to the core safeguarding team every member of staff working in the school are trained to spot the signs of abuse and how to report a concern. Examples of abuse -

  • Physical abuse – causing physical harm to a child
  • Emotional abuse – making a child always feel they are worthless, unloved or inadequate or always having inappropriate expectations of them
  • Sexual abuse – making a child or young person take part in sexual activities. The activities may involve physical contact or allowing them to see pornographic material, or inappropriate discussions about sex
  • Neglect – failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing, or neglect of, or unresponsiveness to a child’s basic emotional needs.

UAH will contact Children’s Social Care when they have reasonable cause to suspect a child may be suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. Parents/carers will be informed of this where it is deemed to do so unless it is felt it could put the child at further risk of harm. of this contact and appreciate that the member of staff in the school with responsibility for child protection (known as the Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) was carrying out their responsibilities in accordance with the law.

UAH strives to build positive relationships based on mutual respect with all parents/carers in order for them to reach out to us and ask for help. This enables a collaborative and effective partnership that helps get the right support in place to help our children and families. Where required we will take a multi-disciplinary approach working alongside outside agencies to ensure the very best care and commitment to keeping children safe is carried out.

What should I do if I have a concern?

Please contact -

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Edwina Hall 01406 423042 Ext 366

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Lucy Fravigar 01406 423042 Ext 365

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Lynda Oddie 01406 423042 Ext

Parents/Carers can also report concerns to worry box


Lincolnshire Children’s Services – 01522 782111

Our Safeguarding Team

For more information click here:



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