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Monday April 3rd – Friday April 14th

Sessions are at the following times:

AM           9.00am – 12pm       PM           12.30pm – 3.30pm

We ask that pupils arrive on time for the sessions and sign in and out of school each time they attend. There will be a short break during each session and lunch will be provided for pupils.

By keeping this leaflet you will have a record of the timetable.

Where there is more than one subject during a session, that your child studies, they will be guided about which subject(s) to attend.

Please complete the attached pro-forma and return this to Miss Paige, (via Pupil Reception) by Monday February 27th

Dear Parents/Guardians

As you know revision lessons have been taking place, on Saturday mornings, for examination subjects. We have been very pleased with the response, and many pupils are realising how worthwhile and enjoyable these sessions are. 

A further programme of revision will take place during the Easter break. This has become an established part of our calendar and it has proved to be both a beneficial and pleasant way of preparing for the final GCSE exams. With a focus this year on ensuring students are fully prepared to sit examinations in the Summer Term we feel it is important that your child takes advantage of the opportunity to attend additional revision sessions.

It is the strongly recommended that pupils commit themselves to a full programme of events that is relevant to the subjects which they are taking.  Your child’s subject teachers will also talk to them about the importance of attending classes.

I will explain the timetable to pupils in assembly in order that they understand the importance of this programme. Staff have agreed to give up their time to ensure pupils are well supported.

To reward their efforts we will provide each pupil a free lunch and refreshments at break time.

Pupils will need to enter via Pupil Reception and go directly to their normal teaching room.

In the event of poor weather or any other necessary cancellation, you will be notified on the school website or by text from the school only.

We are very grateful for both student and parental support with this initiative and know, based upon previous experience the difference these sessions can make to students final grades.

Yours sincerely

S Paige


Easter Revision

The sessions are for all pupils unless individual teachers are specified.


AM 9-12pm

 PM 12.30-3.30pm


Monday April 3rd

  • Geography
  • DT
  • Food- Ms Brogden

Tuesday April 4th

  • English
  • History

Wednesday April 5th

  • Science
  • Science Triple Award
  • Business Studies

Thursday April 6th

  • IT
  • Physical Education
  • Sociology
  • Computer Science
  • Physical Education

Tuesday April 11th

  • Childcare – Mrs Manton
  • Motor Vehicle
  • Motor Vehicle

Wednesday April 12th

  • Maths
  • French

Thursday April


  • Music
  • French SP


  • Music


Friday April 14th

  • Art
  • Childcare- Mrs Scott-Opukah
  • Art
  • Religious Studies









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